Saturday, February 5, 2011

Advice for mothers of child actors

QUESTION: Do have advice for the mothers of child actors?


The more I do what I'm doing here on, the more I realize that these young kids who come here to visit need the support of their parents. That's one of the reasons why I put together pages like these:

I am just about finished building a home study program in which I will walk new actors and their parents through the steps I believe are necessary to be successful. It will be ready soon. If you agree, I will put you on the list so you can see what it is like.

Also, you might find these two video interviews helpful that I did with a youth talent agent and a teen acting teacher, both in Hollywood:

And finally, have a look at this page:

I hope this helps. Would love to know how and if this information is helpful to you and/or what other type of information you would find helpful. Thank you and good luck with your child actor!

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